As I listened and analyzed every presentation I struggled to choose between two candidates. But the one who eventually came out on top was Mark Antony. His team had the whole package; good treats, pop culture references, solid puns, but most importantly solid evidence and explanation. I'm not going to lie, I came into this election with a really bad opinion of Antony. It might've been the truffles or the Justin Timberlake reference but he eventually won me over. His campaign team did a great job. The media relations speech really put Antony's character into perspective for me. I used to believe that Antony was a snake who would do anything to save his own skin. But in reality all he wanted was to avenge his friend's death. In act 3 scene 1 Antony is trying to convince Brutus and Cassius to allow him to speak at Caesar's funeral. He wanted to talk to all of the roman people and on more than one occasion we can almost feel the sarcasm seething from Antony as he calls Brutus an "honorable man". I also have to say that the song chosen to represent Antony was very fitting. Antony doesn't even let a life threatening manic affect his loyalty to Caesar.
A close second in the election was Brutus. I truly believe he has Rome's best interest in mind. He spends a lot of time in the play thinking about his decision and if it's really right to go through with. The thing that faltered in his character was how easy it is to convince him. He doesn't stand firm in his opinions and let's people decide for him. However, his presentation was both amusing and fulfilling. The treats were nice and the slogan was catchy. The best part of the whole thing was the really in depth analysis of Brutus' song Glory and Gore. It just wasn't enough.
And the last candidate, whom I hate to admit had no chance of winning me over, is Cassius. Looking at the candidate himself, all I see is a power hungry manipulator. I can't deny that Cassius is clever and has a way with words but it in no way compares to the skills and smarts of Antony. I hate to say it, but Cassius' case didn't wow me. Their public relations in no way compared to Antony's truffles or Brutus' cheesecake brownie. One thing that really confused me was that they gave all the public money. That could give us the wrong idea seeming that we would expect money. It's misleading and kind of far fetched. Their song was hard to follow and their along wasn't catchy. But most of all I think the fact that media relations spent so much time admitting to Cassius' faults I can't even remember to positive things they said.
This whole week has been fun to really analyze the character of each individual man. I've come to new conclusions about each one and I'm proud of the decision I've made. If this was a dating show I'd give my last rose to Antony but it's not so I'm MARKing my vote for ANTONY.
-Kara Stiver